This was not your typical super hero movie. I enjoyed the plot a lot. John Hancock(Will Smith) is a homeless man living in Los Angeles who happens to have Superman like powers. He is just a flat out jerk and an alcoholic. He may get the job done with his super powers, but causes countless damage to the city as he does it. He could care less what other people think of him until the day he saves the life of Ray Embrey(Jason Bateman) a PR exec, and realizes that he may have a soft side after all. The people finally get fed up with his antics and demand a solution. Ray and Hancock set off to prove that he is not the lost cause that the public is viewing him as, which will be one hefty challenge as Mary (Charlize Theron), Ray's wife, insists that Hancock is a lost cause.
So that is the basic overview of the movie. This movie showed me why it has posted $62.6 Million at the box office so far. It has some pretty strong action scenes. The visuals aren't half bad either. This movie had its comical side as well. I found myself and the theatre laughing uncontrollably at times. That was a good percentage of the time. This movie is full of the typical Will Smith style comedy. This movie is mostly about the action, and you get the comedy as a nice bonus. When the movie started, I was wondering how a homeless super hero was going to progress as the movie went. The story flowed quite well, I thought. It had a very interesting plot twist near the end. I could have seen that coming if not for being engrossed in the movie. Which I was very happy about. This movie is left open for a possible sequel with some unanswered questions. But I do not see one coming, it pulled together really well. I do not feel like I am missing part of the story after the credits rolled with this flick. I walked out saying "That was a bad ass movie". It was not hyped that much, which made it out perform what had been hyped. I could go see that movie again in theatres and will definitely buy it on Dvd.
Will Smith fits this roll almost to a T. It was like it was designed for him. He does such a good job with the jerk on the surface, heart on the inside character. No one could have played Hancock any better. Cudos to Jason Bateman for the roll of Ray. Ray is somewhat dumbfounded in his attempt to make the world a better place, but he just cant get it done. When Hancock comes along, all of Rays thinking juices get flowing and he gets the job done. Charlize Theron, also did a commendable job as Ray's wife. I liked her character a lot as well. 3 stand up performances from the cast in this movie.
Its a Super Hero movie, so of course there will be some very unrealistic things. They are easy to let slide. I only noticed a couple of things that were way out there. Well other than the Supermanlike abilities. Which is very good. It could be a decent movie for the almost 13 crowd. Just depends on how much cursing they are used to hearing. I think I only heard Asshole, Ass, damn, and hell. Only heard Fuck one time near the beginning of the movie.
So all in all a very good action flick with a decent amount of comedy thrown in. Very strong action sequences, good visual effects when they were needed. Interesting plot that pulls together very well at the end. You wont feel bad for dropping the money to see it.
I was completely caught off guard by the 'twist' - didn't see it coming, not even when it was an inch from my nose.
I enjoyed it - due to some stress, I wasn't able to begin focusing until 1/2 way through, so I need to see it again to be honest about my thoughts. (nothing like having stress ruin a movie)
Stress will ruin a movie. I have seen it twice now. And still well worth it the 2nd time around. The twist I never saw coming, which made me happy. I hate when I can pick apart a good movie.
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